consultancy, training & after sales
What we offer?
BME consults on a professional level for test and measurement applications. We aim to understand customer requirements and then offer the best solutions to cover these.
We support our customers throughout the life cycle of the product or service, irrespective of warranties which are under time constraints.
Who is it for?
Any individual or organisation who intends to establish or upgrade their Calibration laboratory. The parameter we cover includes Pressure, Temperature, Electrical, Force, Mass and Dimensions.
Our mission is to help our clients achieve a competitive edge in their respective markets by procuring the right standards and enhance technical skills of their technicians.

What we offer?
We provide consulting services and turnkey solutions for setting up Calibration Laboratories. We aim to understand customer requirements and then provide them with a one stop solution for design, supply, Installation, Commissioning, Training and after Sales.
Based on our engineers’ broad expertise in the field, we offer individual consulting & training services to help technicians achieve expertise. Our consulting portfolio is based on the needs of our customers.
The parameters we cover includes Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, Electrical, Force, Mass and Dimensions.

How we support after sales?
We believe in after-sales support which is most important tool for consumer supplier relationship. Our After-sales support provide guarantee, warranty, training, upgrade or repair and Calibration services.
We support our customers throughout the life cycle of the product or service, irrespective of warranties which are under time constraints.
Our After-sales support is designed to assist customers in using our products correctly to ensure customer satisfaction.
As and when required, a refresher training courses are organised on the use of the product in our facility in a classroom environment free of charge

Training at Customer's Premises
We offer training at client’s facility if number of people are large and also to help technicians to use their own equipment for their self confidence.

Training at our facility
In addition to our on-site training, we also offer an option to take training in our facility. It takes place in our office located at Al Qusais, Al Nahda Road, Dubai. Here you’ll be able to use our facilities and equipment.
our customer support team

Sanjay Kaul
Pressure, Temperature, Mass
A Postgraduate in Physics with over 30 years experience in Calibration and test instruments. A strict facilitator who has been giving training for over 20 years on calibration and test instruments. Always ready to help.

Rachit Chawla
Electrical, Force, Dimensions
Rachit is an Electrical Engineer. He started his career with teaching in polytechnic. His Electrical training skills on multifunction calibrator is a must see. He is a calibration software expert, well versed with calibration procedure.

Sheryll Ag-agwa
Proposal Expert
A management graduate with finance background is a true team player. Helps in preparing proposals and training material. Manages logistics. A sincere and intense professional takes care of after sales support.