liquid and fluidized temperature calibration baths
What we offer?
Budenberg Middle East offers wide range of Liquid Calibration Baths, Refrigerated Baths, Fluidized Temperature Calibration Baths and Industrial Fluidized Baths from world renowned Techne Calibration (Cole Parmer) and Eurotron (EiUK) for calibration of temperature sensors and instruments from -40°C to 300°C.

PLB 150/250 Portable Liquid Baths
PLB series portable liquid baths are stirred liquid baths suitable for calibrating temperature sensors from -32 to 250°C. They can be used as Infrared Calibrator.

LCB Series Liquid Baths
The Techne® liquid calibration bath (LCB) offer compact, accurate and reliable liquid baths which can be used for external circulation or temperature calibration

Unheated Baths
A comprehensive range of temperature controlled water baths in 15 different combinations are available with temperature ranging from -40°C to 200°C

TE / TU Series Thermoregulators
Tehne Thermoregulator are designed to be used with Techne baths. Available in three "Clip On" units, heat, circulate and control the temperature of the liquid

RU & FC Series Dip and Flow Coolers
The Techne Dip and Flow Coolers work in conjunction with a Techne Thermoregulators to achieve temperatures below ambient up to -35°C

RB Series Refrigerated Baths
These baths are a complete refrigerated circulating system for open or closed applications for temperature ranges from -35°C to 150°C. Each bath is supplied

RU & FC Series Dip and Flow Coolers
The Techne Dip and Flow Coolers work in conjunction with a Techne Thermoregulators to achieve temperatures below ambient up to -35°C

CH-5 Chiller Unit for Liquid Baths
The CH-5 is used to pass chilled water through the cooling coil on the LCB series Baths and Cooling Probe giving rapid cooling or a minimum temperature of +10°C

PLB 150/250 Portable Liquid Baths
PLB series portable liquid baths are stirred liquid baths suitable for calibrating temperature sensors from -32 to 250°C. They can be used as Infrared Calibrator

SBS-4 Fluidized Calibration Baths
SBS-4 with temperature range of up to 500°C covers a wide range of applications. The unit has a working volume of 178mm diameter and 140mm deep

SBL-2D Fluidized Calibration Baths
For temperatures up to 600°C, the SBL-2D fluidized bath maintains temperature to within ±1°C. The working volume of the unit is 228mm with a pocket for 5mm

FB-08 precision fluidized bath
The FB-08 Precision fluidized bath has exceptional temperature stability and uniformity making it the ideal choice for critical temperature calibration and heat

IFB Series Industrial Fluidized Baths
Techne Industrial Fluidized Baths (IFB) are widely used for thermal cleaning by polymer manufacturers to remove plastic residues from extrusion tooling components, systems and parts quickly, safely and without damage to the tooling .....